Durand's Journal

Thursday, July 26, 2007

mp3 link

Try this.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

May 28th

2 Samuel 9-12, Psalm 51, Proverb 16:6

I was reading about some of the dark chapters in David's life. Greed, immorality, deception, even murder. With such a dark backdrop as this, Psalm 51 shines like a diamond of hope for folks like me. I've put it to music. I may record it later today and link it to the blog. I started these words years ago, but today the pieces of words, melodies and chords just fell in place.

Be gracious to me by your loving kindness
And by your great compassion blot my sin
Wash me through and through from my iniquity
For only by your grace am I forgiv'n

Against you, you only have I sinned and done what's evil
You're justified and blameless when you judge me
Lord, I was born and raised in sin
But you desire to see the truth within me

Search me O God and know my heart
Try me O Lord and know my thoughts
And see if there be
Any wicked way in me
And lead me in the way of everlasting
O God, search me
©2006 N.D.Robinson

"Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for. Through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil." Pr. 16:6. Thanks be to God for his gift of love and faithfulness in Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May 24th

2 Samuel 4:1-6:23, John 13:31-14:14, Psalm 119:17-32, Proverb 15:31-32

In some ways I find comfort in watching a penitent David striving toward obedience, even though he still didn't always respond well to God's ways. Like when Uzzah's irreverent act of trying to steady the ark brought on his immediate death, I see myself in the words of verse 8, "Then David was angry because the Lord's wrath had broken out against Uzzah."

David's incomplete understanding of who God is and what he requires turned to fear, and I don't mean reverence. It took a process of experiences before David actually fully carried out God's desire for the ark to be in Jerusalem.

From my perspective, life doesn't make too much sense a lot of the time. Without a glimpse of God's view on the matter, I fall flat on my face (Ps. 119:25) and feel weary with sorrow (v.28). I know it takes time for me to "get it" (see things as God does). But it takes more than that. "Strengthen me according to your word", (the second part of verse 28.)

I've grown up with the Bible. I'm not a great student, but I want to be. I want to know the joy of obedience that made David dance! I want it said of me that I run in the path of God's commands, for He has set my heart free. Watch this space.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Durand's Journal" moves to "The Works"

For the time being, I'll be focusing any blog time I have to the CreativeWorks news and views blog called "The Works". If you have any questions leave me a comment at this post. The link is in the title above and in the sidebar.



And now the weather conditions...

We’re well into March but winter refuses to leave us. We’ve had snow on the ground more or less since the day Anna and Matt were married in December. The shops here can’t decide whether to sell Easter chocolates or snow shovels. Unexpected weather makes it difficult to plan.

It’s also become difficult for my wife and me to plan because of financial conditions here in Europe.

We have been planning a year-long home ministry assignment for some time now to reconnect with our current ministry partners and add some much-needed, new support before returning to the field. The logical time for this “furlough” would be starting the summer of 2006, following the graduation of our youngest daughter from high school.

This seems a logical time for us as well in light of the scheduled arrival of new coworkers this summer. Helping them through their first year here, planning and learning to work together is a responsibility I do not take lightly.

But for whatever reason, giving for our ministry has declined over the last few months while the costs of serving here climb. This month nearly $3000 less than our monthly average came in to cover our salary and ministry expenses, taking away any surplus and leaving us with a current shortfall of nearly $2000. The cost of fuel has skyrocketed to new heights (approaching $7 per gallon) and the dollar continues to be at its lowest value ever against the euro.

What that means for us is that we currently only receive a partial salary and are unable to be reimbursed for ministry expenses. If there is not a marked improvement in the next months we will be forced to leave the field until we have sufficient support pledged to maintain our ministry here in Europe. As you can imagine, we would not look forward to the upheaval and interruption to life and ministry this would bring.

Since arriving in Europe 21 years ago, we have seen God’s constant provision for the needs of our family and ministry. And he has used people to make that happen. We are grateful to God and to those who partner with us.

I ask you to pray with us. We are seeing a real time of growth in our ministry with CreativeWorks (as well as Ruth’s foundational research work with a new Europe-wide, missions consortium) and believe God’s call is to persevere. And so we are asking God to provide.
